
Inheritance Law and Estate Planning

We offer you comprehensive advice with regard to your own estate planning or support you as a beneficiary or legatee in enforcing your claims.

Careful and forward-looking estate planning enables you to protect your loved ones or make the necessary arrangements for an orderly business succession. If possible, involve your family in your own estate planning. By concluding an inheritance contract instead of a will, any differences can be resolved during your lifetime. In this way, many potentially lengthy court cases can be avoided.

We analyse your personal situation and show you the legal options available to you. We support you in drawing up your will, inheritance contract or advance care directive. As executors, we will put your wishes and instructions into practice.

We advise you as heirs on questions of inheritance law security measures or the renunciation of an inheritance. We represent you before the authorities and in inheritance law court proceedings, in particular in inheritance, invalidity, reduction, equalisation or inheritance distribution proceedings.